18 Nov 2014

The 18th of November and my first blog post / 18. novembris un mans pirmais blogieraksts

Today is the 18th of November, the Proclamation day of the Republic of Latvia. Also the day of my first official blog post. ;)

In a few words about the 18th of November - it is a public holiday, here in Latvia, and there are many concerts and activities in every city and town. In the capital of Latvia, Riga (this is where I live most of the time, by the way) on the first half of the day there is a parade and important government people (and „ordinary” people as well) lay flowers at the Freedom Monument. In the Evening a concert takes place by the Freedom Monument and later before the fireworks on the bank of Daugava the National Anthem of  Latvia is sung. It all is very moving and beutiful. :) To this event I have been just once, as I am not a fan of mass events.

Freedom Monument of Latvia, photo from wikipedia .

Torchlight procession in November 18th in 2008. I participated. ;) Also yu can see the flag of Latvia :).

Before the fireworks on the embankment of Daugava in 2009.
This year we have four free days, from Saturday to Tuesday, so I am staying at my parents house near Tukums and enjoying the country side and fresh air. I love the peace and quite that you can find here. A lot less cars and exhaust fumes and much more green grass (yup, in November) and trees. Also I like to be close to the ground. :D I think I would not enjoy living in a penthouse in a high floor. Except for the view of course, I adore seeing far and  feeling like a bird in the sky, but nevertheless I like to be able to touch the ground in the morning wearing my pyjamas or yoga pants, if I like.

It’s all for today, Have a great Tuesday! :) And you are welcome to share your stories of National holidays of your contry in the comments! :)

Latviešu auditorijai jau ir skaidrs, kas šodien ir par dienu, 18.novembris, Latvijas Republikas proklamēšanas diena. Jums noteikti ir arī diezgan laba izpratne par to kādas aktivitātes piedāvā gan Rīga, gan citas pilsētas, tāpēc to es nemaz neaprakstīšu, bet teikšu: „Sveiciens svētkos! :)”

Šajās četrās brīvdienās ciemojos savu vecāku mājās netālu no Tukuma. Izbaudu svaigo gaisu un lauku dabu. Man tik ļoti patīk miers un klusums, ko piedāvā Latvijas lauki. Šeit ir daudz mazāk izplūdes gāžu un vairāk zaļas zāles un koku. Un man patīk būt tuvāk zemei. :D Es nemaz nekāroju dzīvot prestižā pēdējā stāva dzīvoklī, kaut kur ļoti augstu virs zemes. Protams, atskaitot skaisto skatu - mani sajūsmina redzēt tālu un justies kā putnam debesīs. Lai vai kā, man tīri labi patīk iespēja pieskarties zemei jau no agra rīta, ja vēlos.

Šodienai tas arī viss, lai Jums lieliski svētki! :) Un pastāstiet kā nosvinējāt! :)

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